Student Workshop

The Student Workshop is a special program held once every month for 2 days.

social participation experience

Student Workshops aim to provide students with a more intensive course on Brain Education, as well as to foster the five core Benjamin values (concentration, patience, creativity, responsibility, tolerance). The workshops also serve as opportunities for students to present the progress of respective Benjamin Projects as well as other episodes of self-improvement and growth, nourishing their feeling of accomplishment and confidence over the applause and support of their peers. When there are special lectures given by mentors, professionals of various domains are there to help the students’ exploration of their own potentials and dreams.

Gifted Character Virtues Development Activities
신체활동 - 뇌교육 - 체력단련 - 팀프로젝트 발표활동 - 주제발표 및 토론 - 성장스토리 발표 - 벤자민 프로젝트 발표
멘토특강 - 벤자민 학생들만을 위한 특별한 멘토들의 명강의